Payment for School of Humanities and social Science Online Fee Submission School: School of Humanities and Social Science Session: Distance Full-Time Online Class: Select Class Bachelor of Art in Human Resource Management Masters of Science in Human Resource Management Bachelor of Art in Development Studies Bachelor of Art in Public Administration Bachelor of Art in Social Work Practice and Development Bachelor of Art in Guidance and Counseling Master of Art in Social Work Master of Art in Development Studies Master of Art in Guidance and Counseling Master of Art in Public Administration Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication Bachelor of Art in Journalism and Public Relations Master Art in Journalism and Mass Communication Master of Art in Journalism and Public Relation Masters of Art in Public Health Masters of Arts in Occupational health and safety Masters in International Relations Masters in Literacy and Development Master's in Operation Management Bachelor of Art in Project Management Bachelor of Art in International Relations Bachelor of Art in Social Work Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Master of Arts in Political Science Masters in Diplomacy and International Relations Name: OR Admission Number: Search