Under the direction of the Dean of Students, serves as an impartial facilitator in supporting, and in some cases resolving undergraduate student academic, personal welfare and financial matters. These concerns are often of a sensitive nature and may not have a formal avenue of redress through official University channels. Given the nature of this role, the Assistant Dean of Students interacts with various campus departments, community-based agencies, as well as with faculty, staff, and student guardian/family members.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Assist students in reaching settlement of their informal requests or complaints through consultation, mediation and counseling; refers issues with a formal avenue of redress to appropriate University offices for resolution.
- Work with appropriate University officials to facilitate satisfactory solutions to issues and problems that fall within the responsibilities of the Dean of Students Office. Advise the Dean of Students on complaints with no definitive remedy and makes recommendation for resolution.
- Provides guidance and support to students who are victims of violence and other crimes. Educate students on the processes to engage and report crimes to University and local police agencies, the Office of Community Standards, and Office of Diversity and Equity. Provide coordinated campus response to assist students with navigating victim support services available at the University and the surrounding communities. Provide on-going support and referral services to promote student use of all available resources.
- Serves as a member of University committees related to student welfare, enrollment management, academic affairs, and other aspects related to student status.
- Partner in the development and implementation of the New Student Convocation and Dean of Students’ Office of New Student Orientation programs.
- Participates as a resource in the decisions and enforcement of academic probation/dismissal regulations as well as extension of academic deadlines on unfinished course work and the rescheduling of final exams.
- Interview and counsel students contemplating withdrawal or leave of absence from the University; when appropriate, grants leaves of absence or processes withdrawals and cancellations and recommends exceptions to the student refund schedule.
- Evaluates, and in collaboration with Deans of Schools, makes decisions about student requests for readmission.
- Assists in the coordination of Student Affairs response to major crisis and other unusual events within the University community.
- Assist student in understanding their rights and responsibilities as community members and the university conduct system.
- Research, evaluate, and recommend changes in rules, regulations, and policies as related to the student experience.
- Create and administer procedures designed to meet the emergency financial needs of undergraduate students.
- Serves as a resource to the University Community regarding status of students and makes presentations to groups.
- Interpret State of Connecticut statutes on residency rules and authorizes residency changes for both graduate and undergraduate students.
- .Supervises the work assignments and work schedules of administrative support staff to most effectively meet department needs; assists in hiring, training and evaluating administrative support staff.
- Performs related duties as required.
Minimum Job Requirements
- Master's degree; at least 5 years of experience directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified.
- Completed degree(s) from an accredited institution that are above the minimum education requirement may be substituted for experience on a year for year basis.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Required
- Skill in examining and re-engineering operations and procedures, formulating policy, and developing and implementing new strategies and procedures.
- Knowledge of applicable legislation, standards, policies and procedures within specialty area.
- Knowledge of current and developing legal issues and trends in area of expertise.
- Knowledge and understanding of institutional policies and procedures and the regulatory environment within which they operate.
- Strong leadership skills.
- Demonstrated conflict resolution skills.
- Knowledge of crisis intervention techniques.
- Ability to react calmly and effectively in emergency situations.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills.
- Skill in budget preparation and fiscal management.
- Skill in organizing resources and establishing priorities.
- Ability to use independent judgment and to manage and impart information to a range of clientele and/or media sources.
- Knowledge of student support programs and services.
- Ability to plan, assess, and evaluate programs.
- Ability to develop, plan, and implement short- and long-range goals.
- Ability to foster a cooperative work environment.
- Outstanding interpersonal and community relations skills and the ability to communicate and work effectively within a diverse community.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community.
- Employee development and performance management skills.
- Ability to make administrative/procedural decisions and judgments.
Summary Under the direction of the Dean of Students, serves as an impartial facilitator in supporting, and in some cases resolving undergraduate student academic, personal welfare and financial matter...
Works independently, with some general direction from designated administrator(s) or department head. Performs a variety of professional duties in an academic research library. Requires comprehensive knowledge and effective application of library principles, organization, and operation; mastery of and substantive contribution, on a regional or statewide basis, to one or more areas of librarianship and/or related disciplines; consistent exercise of initiative, leadership, originality and independent judgment in interpreting and applying library principles, and theories; participation in collaborative efforts to set and achieve organizational goals.
In whichever unit a librarian may be assigned, he/she may generally beresponsible for any number of the following duties and responsibilities:
- Acquires and maintains a thorough knowledge of the research, teaching, and learning needs of various University constituents, identifying the most effective methods of providing library services.
- Actively participates in working groups, teams, and/or committees.
- Initiates and maintains business relationships with publishers and/or book, software, hardware, or electronic service vendors, both foreign or domestic, to negotiate, update, or cancel license and service agreements, discounts, subscriptions, approval plans, or standing orders; makes subsequent arrangements; follows up to resolve problems.
- Assumes responsibility for compliance with US copyright law, licenses, and Library and University policies for specified products and services, explains related issues to library users.
- Creates and maintains finding aids, service guide, usage instructions, and research tools.
- Defines, specifies, designs, installs, and /or maintains automated systems and other technologies to support library services and staff, using bibliographic, library-operation, and information-technology theories and principles for effective implementation.
- Identifies critical library needs and develops solutions such as major reorganization of a collection to provide greater control and access, securing alternate funding, or planning and organizing Friends or Alumni library support groups.
- Represents the Library effectively at the University and in the local community in the course of outreach services, teaching, committee service, and collaborations. For example: through service as library/faculty liaison, or on University Senate committees, or on local library boards or historical societies.
- Plans, organizes, implements and evaluates significant library programs, such as: bibliographic instruction, development of a new database search service, development of a specialized collection, automation planning, and bibliographic control.
- Serves as a regional or national leader in a particular area of expertise such as preservation, copyright, government documents, or digitization. Participates regionally or nationally as a teacher, workshop leader or panel participant for professional programs or committees, or task forces, or as an officer or program coordinator.
- Takes an active role in the development and interpretation of the research collections of the University Library system, integrating a broad knowledge of the collections with the academic curricula and the research programs, and anticipating the University’s information needs.
- Directs activities of department, regional campus or professional school staff; identifies staffing needs, and is responsible, either directly of through appropriate supervisors, for staff hiring, training, supervision, evaluation, work assignments, work schedules, and development opportunities; assists staff with individual goal-setting.
- Identifies, actively solicits, evaluates, and acquires gifts; may include contract negotiation for gifts or deposits.
- Performs curatorial duties for a specific collection, including selection and acquisition of books, electronic resources, serials and manuscript collections; serves as primary contact with current and potential donors.
- Provides assistance to users in a variety of settings by assessing user’s information needs through use of formal interviewing techniques, then identifies appropriate resources and assists the user in selecting and using those resources. Requires the ability to interpret subject content and a thorough understanding of the scope, authority, arrangement, and format of reference tools and online systems, bibliographic standards, collections, services, and technologies.
- Demonstrated ability to use the tools and standards, internal and external to the library, that provide the basis for responding to queries, coordinating services, organizing information, creating new resources or finding aids, or implementing new technologies.
- Researches, selects, and maintains appropriate resources in a variety of formats and delivery models to support academic programs and university initiatives, reviewing and evaluating the need, cost, availability, and ongoing usefulness, and requiring subject expertise and knowledge of user needs and the market. Aligning allocation of resources with institutional goals.
- Trains and assists library users in the use of electronic and print research tools, at point of need.
- Develops, presents, and assesses formal instructional programs and resources designed to teach information skills in classroom settings or as a part of individual learning using appropriate technology.
- Supervises and/or prepares performance evaluations for professional staff, classified staff and/or student workers.
- Coordinates the formulation, management, and documentation of in-house and contractual cataloging and metadata standards, policies, workflows, and procedures in conformance with nationally accepted standards and current cataloging practices.
- Leading and/or coordinating digital preservation efforts for the libraries that will ensure enduring access to the full content of digital resources over time.
- Plays a major role in developing, implementing, and interpreting departmental policies and procedures and makes exceptions to established policies and procedures within acceptable library practice and principles.
- Operates and/or trains staff in the use of automated library system(s), requiring a through knowledge of the organization of bibliographic data contained on the system as well as an ability to query and retrieve data from the system.
- Evaluates new electronic resources or systems under consideration by preparing specifications, attending demonstrations and/or providing input.
- Resolves difficult problems associated with methods, procedures, principles, or theories related to professional librarianship.
- Applies knowledge of a related academic discipline (e.g. administration theory, archival management, history, law, medicine, the arts, or technology) to administration or development of special services.
- Learns, uses, and maintains competency with relevant and emerging technology as required.
- Provides administrative or technical leadership for a specific service, collection, project, or library unit, such as law, pharmacy, art, or music.
- Plays a major role in the preparation and monitoring of grants, budgets, reports, long-term plans, and statistical data related to library operations. Exercises fiscal control over approved budgets with primary responsibility for expending the budgets.
- Plays a major role in creation and maintenance of service desk policy and procedural documentation developing, implementing, and interpreting departmental and library policies, procedures, and documentation.
- Demonstrate initiative through perception of critical needs and development of solutions, foster similar skills in less experienced staff.
- Works with acquisitions librarian and collection development team to manage the collections budget.
- Resolves difficult problems associated with administrative, bibliographic, cataloging, and/or information technology methods, procedures, principles, or theories.
- Masters's degree; at least 5 years of experience directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified.
- Work experience in a library setting
- Demonstrated working knowledge of current technology, software, and automated library systems
- Demonstrated leadership and excellent communication skills
- Experience managing a budget for a department, project, team or committee
- Demonstrated analytical and problem-solving skills with ability to think strategically, be forward thinking, and embrace change
- Demonstrated experience working in a team-based environment
- Maintain active and continuing involvement in professional activities at a statewide, regional and/or national level
- Experience managing a department, project, or team
- Willingness to travel and work a flexible schedule
JOB SUMMARY Works independently, with some general direction from designated administrator(s) or department head. Performs a variety of professional duties in an academic research library. Requires co...
Under limited supervision, directs all facets of the operations of the Registrar's Office including student registration and records, class schedules, instructional space assignments, graduation clearance, and other related matters. Plans and develops strategies for maintenance and upgrading of academic information infrastructure.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Directs the daily operations of the Registrar's Office; supervises senior managers; serves as an internal consultant and implements faculty academic policies; reviews policy exception requests.
- Recommends and participates in the development and implementation of university policies and procedures regarding student registration, records, class schedules, instructional space scheduling, residency requirements, identification cards, and graduation requirements.
- Maintains and upgrades the University's academic information infrastructures including academic records archives, on-line student database, voice response system, World Wide Web and other electronic databases and information systems.
- Establishes and implements short- and long-range department goals, objectives, policies, and operating procedures; monitors and evaluates program effectiveness; effects changes required for improvement.
- Designs, establishes, and maintains an organizational structure and staffing to effectively accomplish the organization's goals and objectives; oversees recruitment, training, supervision, and evaluation of unit staff.
- Develops and publishes major University information documents including, but not limited to, University Catalogs and class schedules.
- Develops and manages annual budgets for the organization and performs periodic cost and productivity analyses.
- Oversees the overall operations of programs reporting to this position.
- Represents the University to various institutional divisions as well as externally to governmental agencies, vendors, students and their parents, and/or the general public.
- Recommends and participates in the development of university policies and procedures; may serve on university planning and policy-making committees.
- Collaborates with representative of the Higher Education Authority, and other national, state, and local organizations on the development and implementation of new policies, requirements, and practices.
- Upgrades professional knowledge, evaluates new technologies, and recommends implementation as appropriate.
- Performs miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned.
Minimum Job Requirements
- Masters's degree; at least 5 years of experience directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified.
- Completed degree(s) from an accredited institution that are above the minimum education requirement may be substituted for experience on a year for year basis.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Required
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community.
- Knowledge of planning and scheduling techniques.
- Skill in budget preparation and fiscal management.
- Knowledge of the rules, regulations, and laws regarding student records.
- Database management skills.
- Ability to evaluate and edit the content, structure, and format of a range of written material.
- Knowledge of customer service standards and procedures.
- Knowledge of space allocation practices and principles.
- Ability to use independent judgment and to manage and impart information to a range of clientele and/or media sources.
- Skill in examining and re-engineering operations and procedures, formulating policy, and developing and implementing new strategies and procedures.
- Ability to develop, plan, and implement short- and long-range goals.
- Knowledge of organizational structure, workflow, and operating procedures.
- Ability to maintain confidentiality of records and information.
- Ability to plan, assess, and evaluate programs.
- Knowledge of records archiving and/or retrieval.
- Ability to provide technical advice and information to faculty in area of expertise.
- Ability to create, compose, and edit written materials.
- Ability to analyze course prerequisites, certification, and/or curriculum/graduation requirements.
- Ability to supervise and train employees, to include organizing, prioritizing, and scheduling work assignments.
- Knowledge of student registration, academic, and residency requirements.
- Ability to investigate and analyze information and draw conclusions.
- Skill in the configuration and use of computerized database programs.
- Outstanding interpersonal and community relations skills and the ability to communicate and work effectively within a diverse community.
- Employee development and performance management skills.
- Knowledge of telephone answering and referral services.
- Knowledge of database construction, management, and retrieval methods.
- Knowledge of financial/business analysis techniques.
- Skill in accessing internet information services.
- Knowledge of records retention and/or destruction policies and procedures.
- Ability to provide professional direction, guidance and counsel to publications editors.
- Knowledge of faculty and/or staff hiring procedures.
Summary Under limited supervision, directs all facets of the operations of the Registrar’s Office including student registration and records, class schedules, instructional space assignments, gr...
Under general supervision, manages cashiering, student financial services, and centralized accounts receivable systems for the university. Manages and coordinates activities of workers engaged in keeping complete books of tuition fees and other receipts for the institution.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Oversees the overall operations of student financial services, billing and receivables, and cashiering functions of the university.
- Provides direction and leadership in financial management, fiscal policies review and changes; conducts special studies as required; ensures compliance with university, state, and federal regulations and standard accounting procedures.
- Provides periodic reports of receipts and technical information to the university community and to external funding agencies.
- Recommends and participates in the development of university policies and procedures; may serve on university planning and policy-making committees.
- Encourages customer-oriented staff interaction with students, parents, and administrators.
- Interacts with internal and external auditors, participates in auditing projects, or provides information and access to accounting records as required.
- Directs the implementation, administration, and recordkeeping of the Direct Lending Program.
- Establishes and implements short- and long-range organizational goals, objectives, strategic plans, policies, and operating procedures; monitors and evaluates programmatic and operational effectiveness, and effects changes required for improvement.
- Designs, establishes, and maintains an organizational structure and staffing to effectively accomplish the organization's goals and objectives; oversees recruitment, training, supervision, and evaluation of unit staff.
- Develops and manages annual budgets for the organization and performs periodic cost and productivity analyses.
- Represents the University to various institutional divisions as well as externally to governmental agencies, vendors, students and their parents, and/or the general public.
- Plans, develops, and implements strategies for generating resources and/or revenues for the organization.
- Performs miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned.
Minimum Job Requirements
- Masters's degree; at least 5 years of experience directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified.
- Completed degree(s) from an accredited institution that are above the minimum education requirement may be substituted for experience on a year for year basis.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Required
- Knowledge of federal and state financial regulations, and university financial policies and procedures.
- Skill in budget preparation and fiscal management.
- Knowledge of cashiering and cash management principles, systems, procedures, and standards.
- Knowledge of accounting and accounts receivable principles, methodology, and practices.
- Ability to use independent judgment and to manage and impart information to a range of clientele and/or media sources.
- Ability to write reports containing technical information.
- Knowledge of customer service standards and procedures.
- Skill in examining and re-engineering operations and procedures, formulating policy, and developing and implementing new strategies and procedures.
- Ability to plan, assess, and evaluate programs.
- Ability to identify and secure alternative funding/revenue sources.
- Knowledge of software to quantify and illustrate complex financial reports, comparisons, impacts, and/or projections.
- Ability to supervise and train employees, to include organizing, prioritizing, and scheduling work assignments.
- Outstanding interpersonal and community relations skills and the ability to communicate and work effectively within a diverse community.
- Ability to foster a cooperative work environment.
- Ability to plan, organize, implement, and administer complex recordkeeping systems and procedures.
- Employee development and performance management skills.
- Knowledge of financial/business analysis techniques.
- Knowledge of university and/or public auditing policies, standards, and procedures.
- Knowledge of faculty and/or staff hiring procedures.
Summary Under general supervision, manages cashiering, student financial services, and centralized accounts receivable systems for the university. Manages and coordinates activities of workers engaged...